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Your Reliable Partner for High Quality Fluid Couplers.

MICRON is one of the leading Manufacturers of Quality Couplings used in Fluid lines for Quick Connection & Disconnect Conections.

MICRON’s leadership in the design, development and manufacture of fluid couplers is evident in its more than 15 years of successful sales performance in National and International market.

The leadership is the result of our steadfast commitment taking every step possible to ensure Micron fluid couplers are synonymous with high quality and superior performance characteristics.

Micron fluid coupler line up includes over 1000 varieties of products both valved and valveless designs for low medium pressure>

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International Quality Crown Award - London 2007
Micron Engeneering Corporation is Awarded in recognition of outstanding commitment to Quality and Excellence, which merits the International Quality Crown Award - London 2007 in the realm of Customer Satisfaction, Leadership, Innovation and Efficiency, as established in the QC100 TQM model.
National Award 2007
For Outstanding Enterpreneurship Efforts in recognition of his performance as Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Special Recognition Award 2007 is conferred on Shri Ranjeet Singh.
- By Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME)
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